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Tip #13: Telematics is not the (only) answer.

What’s a better way to promote a productive workforce: GPS tracking of each vehicle’s movements, or a cup of coffee?

Don’t get me wrong, Telematics has its place. The technology has improved dramatically and the back-end systems that compare actual to planned routes are powerful. Of course, the monitoring of safe driving practices and fuel efficiency are valuable also.

However, I have seen too many field service managers sitting in front of their computers and tracking their employees’ every move. Either that, or the reports are ignored, and the money spent to deploy the devices is wasted. Getting the most from a telematics solution requires management rigor and strong policy.

Call me old school, but unless you have everything else figured out, I’d start with a cup of coffee. Imagine two scenarios:

· In scenario 1, you call a technician into your office to ask why the GPS said that he wasn’t at his first call until 9:25 when it was scheduled for 09:00.

· In scenario 2, you arrive at the customer’s home at 08:50 to treat the technician and the customer to a coffee. The technician arrives 35 minutes later.

The second scenario will have a longer-lasting impact than the first, and it will cost you almost nothing.

There is a place for technology in field service, but it should complement the human elements of leadership and the benefit of building strong relationships between a manager and their team.

What's your go-to approach? GPS, or coffee? Share your experiences in the comments below.

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