How to build a Cx measurement program that works
A how to guide on building and executing a Cx measurement program to deliver a magical customer experience.
Take action to drive loyalty
Step 5: Act If you don’t change the experience, why would you expect the NPS to change? How can we expect our customers to be more loyal...
Tell your customer's story to create urgency to act
Step 4/5 in our series on how to create a Cx measurement program that really works.
Use absolute and verbatim feedback to identify high-value improvements
So you've chosen NPS and surveys are rolling back now what do you do with all this data? Step 3: Analyze There are any number of...
Deploy a simple Cx survey for maximum response
Post 2/5 in our series on how to execute a Cx measurement program that really works.
New to Cx Measurement? Simplify using NPS.
The first step to creating a customer experience measurement program that really works, is to design the program. That means selecting...
BONUS Tip #31: Continuous improvement is continuous.
It takes active, engaged management to maintain and improve field service profitability over time. This isn’t a project, an initiative,...
Tip #30: Hire a good business analyst.
A good business analyst will pay for their salary many times over in the first year alone. The field service world is rich with data, and...
Tip #29: Don't wait for perfect data, measure what you have.
I often hear of companies waiting for an investment in software or other tools to be able to capture the data that they need to manage...
Tip #28: Measure the data, but manage the people.
Field service is one of the most data-rich environments around. The best field service managers make use of this data to continually...