Step 4: Share Feedback
You've gone to all the work to design a survey, deploy it to your customers and analyze the results. You know what the company needs to work on in order to improve customer loyalty and grow the company. How you share that information with the rest of the company will make or break your improvement efforts.
Here's some tips on how to engage your teams throughout the organization to create urgency to act and to generate maximum impact.
Start at the top
Start by communicating the importance of putting the customer at the centre of everything you do, and then back it up with action. Recognize the right behaviours and teams that drive improvement in NPS. If you can create a customer-centric culture, then your people will be dying to know last week’s NPS and to understand what they can do to improve it.
Storytelling is a compelling way to create urgency and to instil an emotional connection with customers that drives action. You have all the data you need from customers to share their stories in an engaging way. Consider having customers attend an event to tell their story in person.
Use standardized dashboards
Providing frequent, relevant feedback that is supported with data is critical to building credibility and support for change. If the dashboards are confusing and the data poorly understood, you will spend more time discussing the data than what you’re going to do to fix the issues.
I recommend a weekly summary report in a consistent format that is tailored to your business. Take the time to train the users of the report on what it means, how the data is collected and how the conclusions are made. Getting buy-in early will save a world of hurt in the future.
Insights not data
Be sure that you are providing insight and not just data. It’s great to see the scores and the trends, but the organization needs to understand why they are happening in order to fix them. That means digging into the operational details and understanding the root causes for changes in NPS.
Feedback works both ways
Include updates from the operation about actions that have been put in place to demonstrate the value of the closed-loop process.
For example, if the contact centre implemented a new shift schedule on Wednesday, then we should be prepared to analyze the data around that change. How many customers will the change affect and what verbatim comments do we expect to see more/less of? Including this detail in the weekly operating report brings it to life and shows how actions taken in the field are directly connected to changes in NPS.
Ad Hoc Feedback
Positive Feedback - don’t wait to share great news from customers. When you come across a truly exceptional customer comment, build a process to share it with the person involved and their management. That real-time recognition and celebration goes a long way to building an engaged team and reinforcing a customer-centric culture.
Negative Feedback - build a real-time feedback loop to deal with urgent issues. When there is an ongoing service issue or problem with a sales transaction you need to get that feedback to the people who can make it right immediately. You also need an accountability mechanism to ensure that the concern is resolved. With a transactional survey, you have the chance to correct a customer experience in real-time, before it becomes a bad headline. In fact, when a bad situation is turned around, it often creates a loyal customer for life.
In our final post on how to create Cx measurement program that really works, we will explore some simple tips for effective execution. We won't make any progress if we don't act!
We can help
Chapman Management Solutions has deployed Cx measurement models at large and small B2C and B2B businesses. We can help you to implement a simplified approach to get actionable insights quickly. That’s how you create a Magical Customer Experience that will deliver long-term, sustainable growth.
Call 289.885.3878 now to learn more about our do-it-yourself online Cx Measurement training program.