Documenting, training and enforcing policies and procedures can be overwhelming. However, there are a few key areas that must be well understood and delivered at each service call to ensure a consistent brand and healthy bottom line. Tech communication is one of those key areas.
The bottom line is affected by poor communication in many ways. Miscommunication of further service requirements, customer payments, follow up requests or sales leads can cause errors, rework, increased costs and lost sales.
Establishing clear communication policies and procedures for your technicians will help to avoid these pitfalls, increasing productivity and profitability.
At a minimum, ensure your technicians know how and when to tell you about:
1. An unhappy customer - so you can follow up and fix it.
2. A sales lead - so you can follow up and sell it.
3. A service call is completed - so you can follow up and take the next steps including:
Further service - Parts required, follow-up required, etc.
Parts consumed
Work completed
4. Planning information - so you can follow up and improve the schedule.
Free capacity (I’m available).
Excess demand (I’m swamped).
5. A customer is unavailable - so you can follow up and rebook the appointment.
Where are your communication processes breaking down and costing you time and money?
Share your experiences online and learn more about field service transformation with Chapman Management Solutions at www.chapmansolutions.ca.
