You spend time and money to get your customers to contact you. They finally sit down to the computer or see your good work on their phone, and they click through. They want to talk.
Then they wait.
Some companies are proud to report that they hit their response time goals saying “We try to get back to every email within 24 hours.”
If you’re not responding within seconds, then you’re giving business away to the competition. Studies have shown that the close rates on inbound leads drops dramatically just seconds after receiving that initial contact.
We expect our phones answered within 20 seconds 80% of the time. Wouldn’t we expect new technologies to be even faster?
Do you measure your response times and how are you performing on inbound leads from all channels? If not, start today. You’re leaving sales on the table.
Share your experiences in the comments below and learn more about field service transformation with Chapman Management Solutions at www.chrischapman.ca.
